Arctic Grayling Fishing at it's Best

Arctic Grayling Fishing Tackle Tips

- 5’ to 6’ light to medium action
- light spinning reels with 4 to 6 pound test mono
- Small spinners (#00 - #1) Mepps, Blue Fox, Panther Martin, etc
- 4 to 6 wt rods with floating line
- Dry – Sizes 8 to 14 – mayfly, caddisfly and stonefly patterns, heavily hackled for fast water. Foam patterns work well too.
- Wet – sizes 6 to 12 – Nymphs of the same species as well as streamers and soft hackle patterns.
Fly Fishing for Arctic Grayling
Fly fishing for Arctic Grayling can be some of the best action on the water. With light weight fly rods and an assortment of dry flies and nymphs, the "sailfish of the north" can put on a spectacular leaping display and keep you busy casting and releasing these spectacular fish.
We don't want to give away all our secrets, some of those stay with our guides, but we have several decades of fishing and testing a variety of flies and techniques for casting to these fish in our rivers. From dry flies to specific nymph selections (see section above), we are happy to share them with you when you come to visit.
See more on our Fly Fishing for Grayling Page below.